Most shipping case manufacturers offer a foam insert for their cases that could be used to ship electronic equipment, cameras, and other high priced more fragile articles. There are times when suggesting pick and pluck foam inserts for those cases might be a sensible recommendation and there are times when P:%$P foam would not be the best choice. There are also some tips which I will outline in this article that could help with the longevity of pick and pluck inserts.
What is pick and pluck foam and when does it work well$%: P:%$P foam is standard layered foam that has been cut by a die to provide small cubes with just a tiny attachment at each corner of the cube. This small attachment can be torn apart to separate the cube from the rest of the foam layer. So when you create your cavity within the layer of foam you simply pluck out each cube as necessary to create the cavity. No tools necessary and a very simple process.
When does it work well$%: Pick and pluck foam works best when the cavity being created is of very simple geometry, e.g. a circle, rectangle, square or other outline that is simple without many peninsula type shapes. If you are creating foam for a complex outline with numerous fingers or peninsula shaped foam pieces the pick and pluck may not be the best way to go and here's why. -- As you use the case with the foam and remove and insert your object numerous times this puts stress on the tiny attachments at each corner of the remaining pick and pluck foam pieces around the cavity you've constructed. Quite frequently this causes the pieces to break off and the cavity looses its shape and your pick and pluck foam interior is rendered less useful for the protection of your article.
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Tips to help -- If you have more that one layer of pick and pluck foam by using a contact adhesive to glue these layers together after the cavity has been plucked out this can create a strong foam insert.
What is the alternative$%: The alternative to pick and pluck foam is to order your case with a custom foam insert that is cut by the case seller. This is the best solution. This will cost more. For instance and typical pick and pluck foam insert for a case the size of 21" x 17" x 8" will cost about $60.00. A custom cut foam insert for the same case with a complexity level that is about average would cost approximately $250.00. But then it would fit your object exactly and have a much longer life that the pick and pluck foam.
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